Sunday Dotty and I were walking around Mom's condos and Dotty started picking "flowers" for Memaw. These flowers are actually weeds called henbit (thank you Jake and your horticulture degree...Mom and Dad's money was well spent).
As Dotty bent down picking all the "purple flowers" she saw...and she saw plenty...her little hands would get so full she would hand me some and go off looking for more. We had tons of them by the time we made it back around to Memaw's condo.
I stood there watching my beautiful baby girl doing exactly what I did for my Grandma when I was younger. I so remember picking millions of "purple flowers" and proudly presenting the little bouquets to Grandma. She would always act so excited and she would thank me and even put the "flowers" in small vases from time to time.
Just remembering my Grandma (Dotty gets her middle name Marie from her) made me happy and sad all at the same time. I know Grandma would have been just crazy about having great-granddaughters. Grandma had all boys and had all grandsons until I came along. When I was born I was put on a pedestal...the one and only girl my Grandma would have. Grandma spoiled me rotten. I had the prettiest dresses, my hair was always curled up in ringlets, I had purses, jewelry, fancy shoes...I had the works.
In return, I gave Grandma purple flowers...and that was enough for her.