Monday night I had a puking princess on my hands. Dotty went to bed telling me her tummy felt bad but she didn't want medicine and she seemed fever...ate a banana before bed time. All was well...or so I thought.
I may not ever give Dotty a banana before bedtime again! I may never eat a banana again!!!
I went to bed at 10:30 and at precisely 11:30 I was seeing that banana again from a whole new perspective...Dotty had thrown up all in her bed, on her, and everywhere!
Fun times!
I have a weak stomach, but I swear God gave moms superhuman powers when it comes to their children. I just grabbed up Dotty...stripped her her clean clothes on and got the trash can just in time for round two. By the time she was finally done, I was able to put her on the couch with the tv on and went to clean up her bedroom.
Cleaning my kid is one the bedroom was another. I dry heaved for about 5 minutes before I finally just pinched my nose and did what had to be done. I felt like I had just survived some sort of nuclear warfare when it was all done.
Right about the time I had started the first load of laundry and got new sheets on the bed, Dotty started throwing up again. This time we were in the living room sitting in the chair so I was more prepared.
Dotty was exhausted though. She wanted to just go to bed. By the time I took the trash out I found her back in her bed...and 3 seconds later...yep you guessed it...more sheets, more nightgowns, more pillow cases.
By the time 3am rolled around I was all out of mattress protectors, I was down to only flat sheets left on the bed with towels under them and covering up with miscellaneous blankets, and Dotty and I had both changed clothes several times.
At one point Dotty looked at me with the saddest face and asked "Mommy, when will I stop throwing up?"
"I don't know" was the best I could do.
Then Dotty said, "I hope you don't get sick Mommy."
I teared up at my sweet, sweet baby girl...worried about her momma!
Dotty slept for a few hours but I didn't. While Dotty tossed and turned in her sleep I kept a close eye on her. By daylight I was exhausted and Dotty was thirsty...bad idea.
All the Sprite came right back up. Dotty yelled at the "bug" to get out of her tummy! (At one point in the night I told her she must have a stomach bug...she asked me how it had gotten in there...then she blamed it on her belly button not being closed up tight enough).
By 10am though...almost 12 hours later...Dotty was able to sip Sprite and eat a few crackers. I got her to take a nap and we both slept hard (well she did and I slept with one eye open). She was a happy girl by that evening and we both slept like rocks.
Dotty being sick like this reminds me of when she was about one...she had gotten a stomach bug and she gave it to, Tony, Memaw, Nana...everyone! It was awful and I spent many hours on the floor begging it to go away. However, I would take being sick a million times over it would spare my sweet baby girl!