Tony, Brittany, and Dylann moved into their new home in Iowa Park this weekend. They are now officially 15 minutes away from where Dotty and I live. Which is so nice since they had been over 2 hours away from us when they lived in Grapevine.
Dotty was so excited all weekend! She got a set of bunk beds for her room...the kind with the twin on top and the full on bottom...which is a good thing since Daddy, Dotty, and Dylann were apparently all piled in the bottom bunk this morning according to the text message I received.
Usually I get Dotty back from Tony on Sundays but yesterday she was so excited about her new bed and the new house she did not want to go home with me. The entire Nichols clan had been moving stuff all weekend and Sunday night was going to be the first night anyone stayed in the new house and Dotty did not want to miss out on such an important event.
I could not say no to my child wanting to be a part of something like that. While it pained me to have to leave her and be without her for another night...I knew that is what was best for Dotty.
Through all this, both Tony and I have tried to do what was best for Dotty. In many cases, what is best for Dotty is not easy for either of us and at times it can be down right heartbreaking for one or both of us.
I think too often divorced parents put themselves ahead of the children. The parents focus on their selfish needs and wants...rather on what the child needs and/or wants. Or they use their children as weapons against their ex-spouses. From the beginning Tony and I vowed never to be like that with Dotty.
Of course, Tony and I are still Dotty's parents and we are in charge of her so she will not always get to dictate where and when she stays...but last night was her choice. And she chose to stay with Daddy.
As I said my prayers last night, a few tears rolled down my face because I missed Dotty so much. The house just seemed so quiet last night. But as I prayed for my baby girl to be happy, healthy, and safe...I also thanked God that Dotty has a Daddy that loves her with all his heart. Lots of kids out there are not so lucky. Dotty has two parents that love much. And she has many, MANY other people out there that love her too!
Dotty is a very blessed little girl!