Sunday, March 3, 2013

I Love Watching You Play

I am stealing a bit of this from "Hands Free Momma" but it has really made me think these last few days.

Recently on the Hands Free Momma site she posted about 5 words all parents should say to their kids....
"I love watching you ____." And then you fill in the, play, practice, study, sing, etc.

This past weekend Dotty started her 4 season of soccer. I was so happy to sit on the sidelines this time around. Last season I tried to coach her team and I soon found out coaching is just not for me.

I didn't feel like I could give Dotty much of my attention when I was coaching...and I felt a lot of pressure to do a good job...even though they are just 5! I wanted to WIN!!! That is a flaw in me for some other post though.

After reading the blog about the 5 words I decided to try it out on Dotty.

Dotty did score 3 goals on Saturday (which was awesome) but when the game was over I said "I love watching you play."

Later that night Dotty was dancing around the living room and when she caught me watching I said "I love watching you dance."

As we went to sleep she said her prayer and when she was done I said "I love watching you pray."

Before we drifted off to sleep Dotty said..."You love me a lot Momma."
I said "Of course I do."
And then she said..."No matter if I am good or bad at something it makes me happy that you say you love watching me do it just because I am your daughter."
I kissed her goodnight and thought to myself...there will be some things Dotty is a GREAT at...a few things she is EXCELLENT at...and many things that she stinks at...simply because that is life. I hope no matter what Dotty will try them all and above all I hope she knows that no matter what...success or failure...I will love watching her...period.