Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Sometimes kids say the funniest things and sometimes parents say the dumbest things.

The other night Dotty and I were playing "restaurant". It was late and I was tired but Dotty was not tired so I was trying to be a good patron and pretend to be enjoying my plastic corn on the cob and watermelon feast.

After a few minutes Dotty decided that I needed to go outside and come in again. I guess my acting skills were not up to par and Dotty thought my "play eating" needed fine tuning. Thus she demanded I "take it from the top".

So I stood in the doorway and was instructed to "call" for a table. I held up my thumb and pinkie to my ear (the universal pretend phone) and stood waiting for Dotty to "pick up" her phone (an actual phone that is broken but she plays with). After several rings (I guess the restaurant was either too busy or loud to hear my "brrriiinngg" noises) Dotty finally answered "Hello, Dotty's Restaurant. How may I help you?"

Me: Hello Ma'am. I would like a eat at your restaurant.
Dotty: Okay. When are you coming?
Me: Do you have a table available for me now?
Dotty: We only have one table but you can have it.
Me: Okay. What are you serving to eat tonight?
Dotty: (after a long pause and a confused glance in my direction) Food.

And that right there was my "Duh Mom" moment. I laughed so hard. I am not sure if it was that funny or I was just that tired but I started laughing and could not stop. After about 2 minutes of me rolling on the floor laughing so hard I started crying, Dotty got tired of playing pretend restaurant and decided it was bed time. I am sure she thought I needed the rest more than she did but either way we headed for bed...me still giggling as we went down the hall.

Food...Duh Mom!

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