Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Off schedule...

Since Dotty did not go to school most of last week she was not super thrilled to go back to school Monday morning. It was a tough day...it was hard on Dotty too. She woke up saying "I am not going to school." That should have been my first clue...but like most mothers I tend to be clueless from time to time.

After begging, demanding, and then finally tricking her into getting dressed (I told her I wanted to pretend that she was my baby and dress her like a baby...she is a sucker for anything "baby") we headed to school. As soon as we pulled up to the door Dotty's hands flew up to close her eyes and her mouth flew open to scream "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!" Again...I thought this was just a minor detail and continued on like it was all going to be fine.

After prying her out of the car I took her over to the park where her class was already playing (seeing as how we were 20 minutes late). Even Presley tried to help by offering to play with Dotty (sometimes Presley can be helpful...when she wants to be or feels like she might get something out of it...keep reading). Dotty was having none of it though. She was not wanting to stay.

I pushed her in the swing. I helped her climb on the tires and after I had been there for 20 minutes (now really late for work and pouring in sweat) I told Dotty I just had to go. BIG tears came then and the death grip around the neck followed by knockout punch of Dotty saying "Please don't go Mommmy. Please. Please. Don't leave me." Kids really can be cruel at times.

Luckily Dotty's teacher saw that I was still in the park and that Dotty was crying (and I was close) and she came to rescue me. She took Dotty from me and told her all about the wonderful things they would be doing at school that day. I left heartbroken and worried all day that Dotty was crying. When I saw her later she told me she "had a wonderful day at school". I wanted to reply "Good. I was a WRECK!" but instead I just hugged her and said I was so happy she did.

Presley Side Note...Presley was really trying to help me in the park with Dotty and I was amazed at her patience, her sympathy, and her caring nature. Of course when I went to leave the park I found out why.

Presley: "Jill, will you pick me up today from school when you come to get Dotty?"
Me: "Well I don't know. I will ask your mom and if she says yes then I will."
Presley: "Okay. Tell Mommy you want to pick me up so I can play at your house with Dotty." All said with an angel's smile.
Me: "I will call you mom. I promise."

When my mom called Keri to tell her Presley had wanted me to pick her up so she could play with Dotty Keri informed Mom that of course Presley wanted me to do that...Presley had a dentist appointment that afternoon. Needless to say Presley did not go home with me that afternoon.

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