Today Dotty wanted to wear her Flip Flop Dress again. However since it was in the low 50s and was only going to get up to the mid 70s I held my ground...and told her I couldn't find the dress.
She then decided to pick out her own clothes for school. She wanted a solid purple outfit. I have her purple pants and a purple shirt with a witch on it but Dotty wanted solid colors.
So she opted for the solid purple pants and a dark pink shirt that I kept for her to play in because it has permanent marker on it. Then she paired the outfit with white ballet flats and a pale pink bow that is on the fancy side because I bought it to wear with her Easter dress.
She also got into my makeup and went to town with eye shadow and blush.
Let me just tell you the look was fabulous and that girl wore her outfit with confidence.
It was not until I saw the look on her teacher's face at school that I decided I need to find a button that says "I dressed myself today" for these special occasions. Then I could at least feel like Dotty's teachers don't think I am crazy.
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