Wednesday, March 2, 2011

No Snoring Allowed...

Last night I got home late from a meeting. Memaw was babysitting and, of course, Dotty was still awake. After Memaw left, it took a while to get Dotty to wind down for bed. When she finally got all snuggled up next to me, she and I were almost nose to nose on the pillow.

I was laying there looking at my sweet, beautiful baby girl who looked so angelic in the glow of the night light with her eyes shut and her breath softly hitting my face (good thing she remembered to brush her teeth).

As I was just about to close my eyes and go to sleep, Dotty's eyes opened just a bit and she whispered to me in a soft but serious voice "And don't snore Momma."

I burst out laughing.

It took another 10 minutes to get her to calm down again. Finally, at close to 10pm, (way past both our bedtimes) she was sound asleep...and she was the one snoring...just for the record.

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