Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fashion Police

I don't know what Joan Rivers would have said about Dotty's fashion choices today, but frankly neither Dotty nor I would have cared what she thought. After yesterday's "potty problems", the fact that Dotty wanted to be a "big girl" and dress all by herself thrilled me to no end.

Now when she shut the door to her room and told me not to come in...I was a little more concerned. The last time that happened we had to cut 9 inches off her hair. But I waited patiently outside...fingers crossed.

When Dotty emerged wearing a black and cheetah print shirt, with a tie dyed pink and white skirt, complete with a blue headband...I simply smiled and (to echo her daddy) said "gorgeous". (Of course I also pointed out to her teachers this morning that Dotty dressed herself so they wouldn't think I had gone crazy.)

I have always let Dotty dress herself to a certain appropriate is my only condition. I think so often I have to force Dotty to conform to the "world" as I know it that letting her choose her own clothes at this age is the least I can do.

Brittany thought the look was a perfect statement for Dotty's "wild side". I thought it was cute at 14 we shall see what I think. If we are late for thoughts will probably be the same... let's go!

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