Yesterday Dotty helped me wash my car. It was a cheap and easy way to kill two birds with one stone. #1 it got my dirty car washed. #2 it entertained Dotty for almost an hour...almost!
As Dotty and I soaped and scrubbed and rinsed and...yes...even sprayed each other a time or two...I couldn't help but realize how fast she has grown up. It seems like just yesterday I was laying out a blanket under the shade of a tree and all she could do was sit up and watch the world go by. Then she started crawling and life got more hectic.
My friend Jeri says it best...each stage of childhood is the "best one". Whatever stage Dotty is currently in seems like the "best". Of course I miss days when I got to just sit and rock her and give her a bottle. I miss the days when gurgles and smiles were the highlights of my day. I miss the first steps (and yes...I actually did miss her very first step!) and all the excitement that came with her reaching new milestones.
I would say I don't miss the up all nights...but some nights with Dotty are still "up all night" nights.
Right now though seems like just such a great time in Dotty's life. She is big enough to do a lot of things on her own...but she is still little enough to need her Mommy (her Daddy, Brittany, Memaw, Papa, Nana, Papaw...and many, many more too).
I can't explain it...but at this point in my life if time wanted to freeze for...oh say...10 years...I wouldn't mind being 32 and Dotty staying 4 for a decade or so!
Of course ten years from now I will probably being saying the same things I am now...oh wait...by then I will be 42 and Dotty will be 14...that might not be all it is cracked up to be...on the other hand...it just might!
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