Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Kathy's Gifts...

Dotty loves her Kathy and Gary. In fact, she loves them so much that on Christmas Eve she wrapped up one of her gifts to give to Kathy. She has been determined to give it to Kathy and Gary ever since that day. She has waken up in the middle of the night wanting to take the gift to Kathy. She has had the gift in the car and demanded I take her to Kathy's house. She has reminded me 100 times she has a gift for Kathy.

Finally today Dotty was spending the day with Kathy and she was so excited to give Kathy her gift. The wrapping paper was all wadded up and almost gone but Kathy acted thrilled to get it. I am sure they will have a lot of fun with the dolls Dotty gave her.

My only question is whether or not Dotty will come home tonight with the gift or if they will truly stay at Kathy's...I will keep you posted.

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