Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Tree Decorating 101

Dotty has a unique way of decorating our Christmas tree. She basically wants all the ornaments (big or small) to be grouped together in about a 6 inch by 6 inch area.

At first you might assume this area would be on the tree within her direct reach. Thus about 3 feet or so up the tree.

Oh no! You would be mistaken.

She wanted me to lift her up to the top of the 7 foot tree to put ALL the ornaments by the star.

After about a dozen ornaments...I was no longer her official "helper". Some ornaments did find their way to other parts of the tree but not many.

When she went to bed, I tried to move some of the ornaments but my kiddo is sharp! She noticed them the very moment she walked into the living room the next day. And of course...back to the top they went.

(This weekend I got one heck of an upper body workout. 35 pounds of wiggly little girl is better than any P90X routine.)

I pray our tree does not topple over some day! And so does Dotty.

The night we did it she said, "You don't like where I put the ornaments Mommy?"
I said, "It is fine. I just pray the tree doesn't fall over."

During our prayers that night Dotty asked for a real pink dog, rain for Papa's trees, and that the tree would not fall over. I think she has a better shot at the pink dog than that tree making it to Dec. 25th without a crash!

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