Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Good Days...

The day starts off so much better when Dotty is excited about going to school and doesn't beg to NOT go or look so sad as she enters the classroom. Today I picked Dotty up from Papaw (Dotty stayed the night with Tony) and at first Dotty said she didn't want to go to school but it was not a large protest...just sort of said in passing.

We drove back to our house to get some toys for her to take to school (we had time to kill anyway) and by the time we got to school Dotty walked in to her class and seemed happy to be there. What a relief!!!

I was able to leave her school not feeling guilty, not feeling like a crappy mother, and not in tears...all of which was wonderful!

I hope Dotty has a "wonderful day" as she usually does. To be honest I can't wait for the time to come when I get to go pick her up!

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