Saturday, July 16, 2011


Dotty is a smart girl. I know I can be an overly proud mom at times but Dotty is a pretty smart little girl.

The other day we were driving home when Dotty asked me if there were any dinosaurs left on Earth (and yes she used the word Earth). I told her that all the dinosaurs had died and are now extinct. I even explained to her what extinction was (or at least in terms a three year old can comprehend).

Dotty sat and pondered it all for a minute then she said..."God created the dinosaurs right?"

"Yes He did" I said.

"And God could create them again if He wanted to right?"

"Yes...God can do anything."

"But God won't create dinosaurs again because they are so big and have sharp teeth and would eat us right?"

"Those are probably the exact reasons God will not create dinosaurs again."

"I am sure glad God made dinosaurs and then decided to make people."

"Me too."

While she may learn about Darwinism and evolution in school some day, I am glad to know that in her heart Dotty believes 100% that God created all things...the heavens, the earth, and the dinosaurs.

(Side Note: Later that night Dotty prayed to God to send rain, to make her a "real" princess, and to not make anymore dinosaurs.)

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