Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reasons Why...

...I do not go shopping with my child...

I do not take Dotty shopping...usually at all. I don't take her to the grocery store. I don't take her to the mall. I don't take her to Walmart or Target or anywhere when I have actual shopping to do (like a list and everything).

Occasionally I do take her to Toys R Us but mainly because I figure they have surely seen children behave worse than mine...surely!

Yesterday I had Dotty with me for most of the day because her school class had taken a trip to the local fire station, I had volunteered to go with the class, and there was no way Dotty was going to let me leave her at school the rest of the day. We went to McDonald's for lunch then we had about 2 hours to kill before her swim lessons.

Being the ultra organized mother that I am, it was at that moment I realized Dotty's teacher had requested I get her swim goggles. She told me Target had some that would fit a 3 year old's face. So I loaded Dotty up and headed that way. How bad could it be right?!?

One hour, fifty bucks, and still no swim goggles later...we left Target...both of us exhausted and close to tears. Let me just tell you...the fact that we survived swim lessons after Target AND no nap is purely Divine intervention.

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