Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Praying for the Pod...

I always love Dotty's prayers. She is so sweet and sincere and down right hilarious at times.

Last night she prayed for rain...she is a good farmer's granddaughter after all. She prayed for a puppy dog. She prayed that she would become a princess some day.

Then she prayed for an iPod.

Yep...my 3 year old prayed for an iPod. And then she got specific.

She wanted a pink and purple iPod. She wanted one with games, pictures, and music. And she wanted one that Mommy would know how to turn on (now that would take divine intervention).

She went to sleep after that but when she woke up this morning she asked me if I was going to get her an iPod today. I told her she had asked God for one (knowing full well God is not Santa but Dotty sort of thinks He is).

Dotty thought for a moment then put her little hands together and her head down and whispered, "God, please make Mommy buy me an iPod today."

She looked up at me and just smiled. I plan on finding the Garth Brooks CD with the song "Unanswered Prayers" on it to play for Dot today.

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