Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Crowns are Heavy

Have you ever held a "real" crown in your hands? One that was made from real gold and diamonds and jewels and all that "glittery" stuff?

I have never held one but (like everything else these days) I Googled it. Royal crowns (those worn by actual kings and queens) usually weigh between 2 to 5 pounds. At first you probably think this is not too heavy but get a two pound weight and balance it on your head for a few hours and see how you feel.

Today Memaw sent me a picture of Dotty all dressed up in her princess outfits complete with shoes and crown. The caption said, "...being a princess is a full time job." How true it is.

Sometimes being an only child means that all the focus is on you. While I don't know what that feels like personally (since I have an older brother and he has had his fair share of the sibling spotlight) I do know what it is like to be the mother of an only child.

My world revolves around Dotty...her schedule...her eating...her sleeping...her likes...her dislikes...her good moods...and her bad ones. I spend many moments of my days talking to her, playing with her, snuggling with her...and sometimes just looking at her (in amazement that she is mine).

I often worry that her "crown" (that of being my only child) will someday be a heavy burden for her to bear. I worry that having so much of my attention will not only spoil her but also cause her to feel added pressure in life.

While I hope this is never the case, I do realize that it is a possibility. Growing up I always said the only thing I could go on the Jerry Springer Show and complain about was that my parents loved me TOO much (of course these days it would be Dr. Phil but you get the idea...not a very compelling show).

I do love Dotty more than life itself...but I never want my love to be overwhelming to her. She will always be my princess...I just hope the crown doesn't get too heavy.

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