Saturday, January 29, 2011


Dotty is a daredevil. If you are not careful she will be jumping off steps, furniture, or any other type of raised surface. You may need to catch and you may not but either way that girl is jumping.

Yesterday we went to see my Dad and we rode around on many different types of motorized equipment. The first was a large John Deere tractor. Dotty wanted it to go faster. The next was a Polaris ATV. Dotty wanted it to go faster. Dad also used the Polaris to "jump" ditches in the orchard (now this was not a big jump to me but for Dotty is was huge) and Dotty wanted him to keep jumping and to go faster.

I swear my child is going to be on the back of a motorcycle before she turns 18. She might even have her OWN motorcycle by then!

I just pray her Uncle Jarrod does not get her into his kind of bike racing. I don't see how Ruth Ann sleeps at night after seeing what he does and hearing about his wrecks. It must be a genetic thing. Jarrod has no fear either and Dotty is certainly leaning the same way.

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